Cara Multiminning cointellect untuk mendapatkan banyak dogecoin setiap jam - cuplikan yang saya tahu dari diskusi dibawah ini bahwa cointellect dapat berjalan tanpa download aplikasinya yang selalu update dan dapat dijalankan di multi komputer dan bahkan menghasilkan lebih cepat dan juga minimize alias tidak keliahatan.
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Cara Multiminning cointellect untuk mendapatkan banyak dogecoin setiap jam |
Me and a Friend stayed up for Hours researching Cointellect, and here's what we found best!
When you're on the Cointellect website you'll be temped to download their Mining Program, DON'T, If you want to get the MOST Juice out of your CPU and GPU then follow my steps, it might be a little complicated, but It'll be worth it in the end!
now, normally I'd tell you what to download, but first you need the Info that's going into the seperate program you're going to download.
Step 1. Go to the download Page on Cointellect and go ALL the way to the bottom, you should see something like this
Step 1.5. Copy and Paste the Information starting from cgminer.exe all the way to the end of your Auth. number (for me it says RandomNumbersandLetters) into notepad, you'll need this later!
Step 2. Download CPUintellect, which is compiled by me.
Step 2.5. Extract CPUintellect to it's own folder
Step 2.6. See that File called cpudoge.bat? Right Click and Edit with Notepad
Step 2.7. Change INSERT_AUTH_HERE to the username that was at the bottom of the download screen (after -u)
Step 2.8. Change the number after -t to how many Threads you want to use on your cpu, I went ahead and set it to 1, which every cpu has, but If you have an 8 core cpu, you may want to optimize more Threads/Cores
You have now completely optimized the CPU Part of this Tutorial.. we still have GPU to go!
(You should start to see something like this after launching the .bat)
(it may take a while to get a share (yay!!!) but trust me, It's working!)
for this we're going to be using a similarly compiled miner, but this time for the GPU
(Warning: Some GPU's aren't supported and may not work, but 90% work)
Now, some of you might have had the problem where it said "GPU not supported, will mine with CPU only"
If you had this problem, and your gpu ends up working with this compiled miner, You're going to get 400% the earning speed!
Step 1. Download my Custom-ly compiled GPUIntellect and extract it to a folder
(these steps are very similar to the steps before)
Step 2. Edit the .bat file to have your auth code from the bottom of the Download page on cointellect
You're done. Launch both the .bat files (for CPU and GPUIntellect) and watch your Hashrate slowly increase on the Cointellect website!
jika anda merasa kebingungan silahkan kontak facebook saya atau komentar dibawah ini , happy minning
Caranya gmna ya gan, ane bingung.. mohon pencerahannya... thx
ReplyDeleteFilenya downloadnya diperbaiki sob,, sepertinya sudah gak bisa di download,, makasi...